Humanitarian assistance has always been a highly political activity. It influence the political economy of a country, and mostly, political considerations is the order of the day. You might disagree that Humanitarian action has always been the subject of manipulation now more than ever, mind you It is increasingly politicised. Humanitarianism and politics shouldn't be considered separate from each other, despite the increasing entanglement of timely conflicts. It's just unfair to judge someone without trails but also we have seen a lot of top notch humanitarians who gives the people great hopes turns politicians and now they are stepping on the poor to enrich themselves. Most of them appears like an angel to the public and later show their selfish interest. However few went the opposite direction and are doing a great job for their people.
I can't just judge Karishma because folks said "One apple spoil the whole tree". If I may ask, How can an apple spoil an entire tree? When you have all the power to pick that single apple before it contaminate the Rest of the tree. What a beautiful and successful journey it have been for Karishma. From an Actress to AOP, straight to a Humanitarian now she is Karishma the politician. A very successful lady that thousands if not million look up to. She's actually my kinda lady to be real. She is very passionate, determine and innovative. Within the space of one year she have already won the heart of millions Liberian in and out of Liberia .
A friend said It's unlikely to have a good politician and a great leader in one person. I saw shocked and asked why such perception, he replied have you seen a virgin prostitute? I laughed. Na every girl you see on the Blac da hopojo o, Somor nen jes go there on an important mission while few due to the life constrain the are facing so take your words back, I na agree with you today I replied. Judging Karishma without giving her a chance to show her people the plan she have for them is devilish. Is her plan for good or for her selfish interest? That we don't know. She might have been an undercover politician but in the the public eyes she's a baby politician who is doing everything possible to win the love of her people. The multi award winning philanthropist, Humanitarian, O.A.P, Actress, Ambassador turns politician completed her first project in district #10 yesterday.
It's rare to find a politician in a leader but you can't find a leader in a politician. So who is Karishma? Is she the leader we long await or just another mare politician wanting to enrich herself? One thing she should get at the back of her mind is her reputation and legacy are at stake if she wins the next representative election and failed her peoples.
We(Gees Arena) wish you all the best in your new Quest. Hopefully you can change the narrative. WRITTEN BY: OUSMAN BAH